کمیته بین المللی صلیب سرخ (دفتر منطقه ای برای هند، بوتان و مالدیو) و سازمان حقوقی مشورتی آسیایی ـ آفریقایی (آلکو) مقالات منتخب با موضوع «حمایت از اموال فرهنگی و هنجارهای حقوق بین الملل بشردوستانه» را برای چاپ در نشریه حقوق بین الملل آلکو مورد پذیرش قرار می دهند.



متن این فراخوان به شرح ذیل است:



The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Regional Delegation for India, Bhutan and Maldives and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation (AALCO) Secretariat are pleased to announce a Call for Papers to be published in a forthcoming issue of the AALCO Journal of International Law.


The topic for this thematic issue will be The Protection of Cultural Property and the Norms of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The AALCO Journal of International Law provides a forum to present and analyse emerging issues in Public International Law.


We welcome contributions from Government experts, Judge Advocates/Legal Advisers of the Armed Forces, University Vice Chancellors, Professors, Legal Advisers of National Societies, Scholars, Students, etc. Kindly note that that the final decision of publication of Papers is by the Board of Editors, AALCO Journal of International Law. Submissions can include full length papers between 8,000 – 10,000 words in Microsoft word format, Notes between 4,000 – 5,000 words, Commentaries on Case Law, Summaries of national legislation as well as Book Reviews.


Please email your abstract (300-500 words) to >> ssaediaraghi@icrc.org << on or before 8th  December 2015. Please note that approval of abstract does not lead to publication of paper, since it is for AALCO Board of Editors to decide.


Those authors whose abstracts are approved are kindly requested to submit their papers on or before 7th February 2016


For more information on submission guidelines and the citation format, please click HERE.


اشتراک گذاری:
فراخوان مقاله برای همایش ملی «حقوق بانکی» _ اسفند ۱۴۰۳فراخوان مقاله برای «دو فصل نامه حقوق و هنر» _ ۱۴۰۲فراخوان مقاله به فارسی و انگلیسی برای همایش «اشغال فلسطین از دیدگاه حقوق بین الملل» _ اسفند ۱۴۰۲