Dr. Seyed Jamal SEIFI

Seyed Jamal SEIFI is a national of Iran, born in 1954. Academic qualifications and professional background: LLB (with Distinction, National University, Iran), LLM., PhD (The University of Hull, UK), Member of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal since 17 August 2009, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration since 2006, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Associate Professor of Law, Shahid Beheshti (National) University of Iran, Practicing Member of Iranian Bar and senior attorney with the law firm of Jamal SEIFI & Associates, Tehran; Vice-President of the Arbitration Court of the Arbitration Centre of the Iran Chamber (ACIC), member of the Board of Trustees of the Arbitration Centre of the Iranian Central Bar Association, member of the Governing Board of the Foundation for Development of International Law in Asia (DILA); Former Judge, Iranian Judiciary (1979-1985), Former Lecturer (1990-1991) and former Visiting Professor (1999-2000), The University of Hull, UK; has served as chairman, sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator, counsel and expert in various international and domestic arbitration cases continuously since the early 1990s.
Judge Seifi has written and published articles, papers and reports on international law and arbitration matters locally and internationally, including the following:
The International Court of Justice as the Principal Judicial Organ of the United Nations (in Persian), published by the Iranian Association for United Nations Studies, 2010; Iran Chapter in Practitioners’ Guide to International Arbitration in the Middle East and North Africa, Cross Border Publishers, 2008 and Juris Net Publishers, 2009; Civil Liability of the State (in Persian), Legal Research Review, Vol. 8, 2005, Tehran; The Significance of Institutional Arbitration in Resolution of Commercial Disputes (in Persian), Arbitration Letter, Vol. 1, 2004; Judicial Diplomacy in the Judgment of November 2003 of the ICJ in the Oil Platforms Case (in Persian), Legal Research Review, Vol. 4, 2004, Tehran; The Legality of Truncated Arbitral Tribunals, Journal of International Arbitration, Vol.17 (6), 2000, The Netherlands; New Actors – New Trends in International Commercial Arbitration, Philippine Law Journal, Vol. 75, September 2000; State Responsibility for Failure to Enforce Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Awards, Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 16 (3) 1999, The Netherlands; Legislative Imperatives in the Wake of Iran’s New Act on International Commercial Arbitration, Revue de Recherche Juridique,Tehran, Vols. 28-29, 1999, Iran; The New International Commercial Arbitration Act of Iran: Towards Harmony with the UNCITRAL Model Law,Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 15 (2), 1998, The Netherlands; Developments in the Concept of State Sovereignty in Light of the Principle of Self-Determination of Peoples (in Persian), Revue de Recherche Juridique, Vol. 15, 1995, Tehran; Unitary Regime of Contractual and NonContractual State Responsibility and its Implications for the Law of Treaties (in Persian), Revue de Recherche Juridique, Vols. 13-14, 1994; Procedural Remedies Against Awards of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, Vol. 8 (1) Arbitration International, UK 1992; Nicaragua Granted Permission to Intervene in the Land, Island and Maritime Frontiers Case, 6(3) International Journal of Estuarine & Coastal Law (August 1991), U.K.