In 2011, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg presented itself as European Green Capital. This title, awarded by the European Commission was the reason for a group of lawyers interested in the environment and international environmental law, to found an association with the aim to bundle and promote the scientific discourse in the area of the environmental law on an international level. Thus, on 4 February 2010, the Internationaler Umweltrechtstag Hamburg e.V. (IURT e.V.) association was created to organize the First Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference (HIELC) that took place in September 2011. It was joined by about 200 participants from all over the world.
Due to the great success of this first conference, the IURT e.V. members didn't hesitate to continue their efforts in order to prepare a second Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference (HIELC) for 2013. It is going to take place on September 12th/13th, 2013. This time, the HIELC is engaging in a discussion about national and regional legal initiatives for climate protection. In addition, it focuses on the protection of fish stocks endangered by extensive fishing and the problems of maricultures.
Register here. You will find the preliminary program in the "Program"-section. Also, check the "News"-section for latest updates.
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